Friday, April 24, 2015

Rome - Friday - 4/24/15

It's quite nice to fly in the evening. I enjoyed having my entire day to complete all my chores, pack, and get organized. We already exchanged our cash to euros at the Currency Exchange in the mall, which had the best rates and lowest fee.

Euros are so pretty

In total, we had 6 bags. It sounds like a lot but it turned out to be perfect. We needed extra space for all the souvenirs that we purchased. Plus, Alitalia allowed us one checked bag each, so why not?

We checked 2 bags and the rest were carry-ons

Our Uber picked us up around 7:30pm and off we went!

There were no lines for baggage and security was very quick. The international terminal at Logan is so unimpressive. There aren't many food options and the one actual restaurant had a long wait! The only other options are Starbucks, pizza, Earl's Sandwich shop, a wine bar, and Burger King. Thank goodness I chose Burger King because it was actually quite good, and the only spot that offered a decent salad! I picked up some onion rings which are Eric's favorite and that is the most exciting story I have in regards to the airport terminal. 

The boarding process was very easy and painless as well. We had 2 private seats together next to the window. There were no delays and I was sleeping before we got up in the air! They served dinner about an hour later, around 12:30am our time. Eric nudged me awake and I had a few bites of his food which was pretty good. Dinner included some sort of cheesy pasta, crackers, a role, dessert and a few more items. After munching, I fell back asleep until breakfast.  Good night, see you in Rome!

See you in Rome!

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